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Scheme active from January 2013

This is a Certification scheme for Individuals

Primary Contact for the Scheme

Milja Aarni

Motiva Ltd


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Finland – The voluntary certification system for the installers of the renewable energy systems

The Energy Authority approves the applications of the schools and training centres and gives them permission to provide the further training mentioned in RES directive article 14.Voluntary administrative body is “RES installer certification committee” formed by main stakeholders and managed by Motiva (national energy agency). The Committee steers and guides the certification system.
Links to more information about the scheme



Certification Bodies

RES installer certification committee

Certification Providers


Tavastia Education Consortium (Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia): kktavastia.fi/briefly-in-english

Supported Technology,
Size and Possibility of Financial Support
Are any other qualifications required to practice?
Technology Size Min and Max sizes Necessity of Cert./ Qual. Is the scheme mandatory or voluntary for the technology listed? Supporting financial schemes? Are there any supporting financial schemes? Necessity for financial support Is it mandatory to be certified to qualify for the financial incentive? EQF What level of education according to European Qualifications Framework is the scheme equivalent to? [?] Plumber Is the supporting qualification as a plumber required? Electrician Is the supporting qualification as an electrician required? Parts Is a specializiation in the companents required as a supporting qualification? Other Other requirement details Financial Schemes
Air Heat Pump Voluntary ... 1: Depends on installation: If installer has to connect or open cold circuits in installation, then adequate level of work experience, refrigeration fitter –education is required. Finland is a member in EUCERT certification scheme.
Biomass Voluntary ... 1: It is required that applicant has a background in HVAC / electrician studies and work.
Ground Heat Pump Voluntary
Shallow Geothermal Voluntary ... 1: adequate level of work experience, refrigeration fitter –education. Finland is a member in EUCERT certification scheme.
Solar Photovoltaic Voluntary ... 1 : electrical works authorisation, occupational safety card, general electrical safety training, first aid training, hot work certificate
Solar Thermal Voluntary ... 1: adequate level of work experience
Water Heat Pump Voluntary ... 1: Depends on installation: If installer has to connect or open cold circuits in installation, then adequate level of work experience, refrigeration fitter –education is required. Finland is a member in EUCERT certification scheme.
Legislation, subsidies and standards
Costs/Benefit analysis (eg. payback period)
Design (appropriate design of system dependent in relation to targeted heating system)
Installation (actual installation process)
Commissioning (ensure effective commissioning of system for optimal performance)
Monitoring (operational or performance monitoring)
Maintenance (understanding of maintenance and warranty based issues)
Average training cost €0 - €1,000
First time certificate costs 280 €. The re-certification costs is 140 € (after every three years).
Ongoing Costs in order to be Certified/Qualified Yes
other Training Duration details 3-5 days depending on the installation area.
Theory Mandatory
Practical Mandatory
Workplace Learning Mandatory
Examination Mandatory
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Not Required
Ongoing Quality Control Mandatory
Supplementary Training Information updating training after three years. independent (distance) learning (Solar PV). commissioning record from system assembly case where applicant has been involved.
The Certification is valid for 3 - 5 years
Requalification is required
Inspections of the installers work are carried out
Evaluation of wider standards
A financial penalty could apply
Retraining may be required
Suspension from the scheme
Exclusion from the scheme
Other Regarding solar PV and heat pump: Authority can ask for all the installers work to be checked. Authority can order the director of electrical works to renew his/her safety certificate. Authority can set an operation ban for company.
Damage to the renewable energy system
Damage to wider energy infrastructure within end-users’ home
Structural or building damage
Significant degradation in system performance
Poor consumer code of conduct
There is an established process for mutual recognition

The certification committee will evaluate the application and decide whether the installer can be certified in Finland as well.

Documentation required when applying for mutual recognition
Evidence of certification
Evidence of formal training
Evidence of quality
Additional tests or monitoring expected when applying for mutual recognition
An aptitude test
Undergo a period of monitoring
Demonstrate continuous professional development
Evidence of quality of installations
Expected to demonstrate language ability
Expected to demonstrate insurance

There is no direct statistical information available on the installation of small scale renewables. Some information can be collected from the web pages of Statistics Finland.

Number of certified installers can be collected from motiva.fi motiva.fi/sertifioidutasentajat

Approved training provides can be found at energiavirasto.fi
