Scheme active from October 2015
Individual. In accordance to ISO17024
This scheme applies to the following regions:
Primary Contact for the Scheme
Dainis Ozoliņš
Academic Information Centre
Latvia – No specific scheme name
Certification Bodies
Specific terms on evaluation and management of this professional field are elaborated CMR No.610, (see “p” under “Scheme overview”). The assessment of the competence and the supervision of a professional practice of a construction specialist in each professional field is delegated (and payment for the performance of the abovementioned tasks given) to accredited professional institutions (ISO14024) by orders of Cabinet of Ministers: Installers of RES technologies in Latvia fall under three general associations - Latvia's Electricians' Brotherhood ( leb.lv/sert_depart.asp ), Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors ( bleea.lv ) and Latvia Society of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers ( lsgutis.lv ). These certification institutions ensure the quality management of regulated professionals as well as issue their acknowledgement to experts of nonregulated level (if required by the free market).
Certification Providers
Supported Technology, Size and Possibility of Financial Support |
Are any other qualifications required to practice? | |||||||||
Technology | Size Min and Max sizes | Necessity of Cert./ Qual. Is the scheme mandatory or voluntary for the technology listed? | Supporting financial schemes? Are there any supporting financial schemes? | Necessity for financial support Is it mandatory to be certified to qualify for the financial incentive? | EQF What level of education according to European Qualifications Framework is the scheme equivalent to? [?] | Plumber Is the supporting qualification as a plumber required? | Electrician Is the supporting qualification as an electrician required? | Parts Is a specializiation in the companents required as a supporting qualification? | Other Other requirement details | Financial Schemes |
Air Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L8 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Biomass | ... 1KW | Mandatory | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Ground Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L7 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Hydro | ... 1KW | Mandatory | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Micro Combined | ... 1KW | Mandatory | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Shallow Geothermal | ... 1KW | Mandatory | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Solar Photovoltaic | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L4 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Solar Thermal | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L5 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Water Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L9 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Wind | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L6 | ... All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. |
Supported Technology, Size and Possibility of Financial Support |
Are any other qualifications required to practice? | |||||||||
Technology | Size Min and Max sizes | Necessity of Cert./ Qual. Is the scheme mandatory or voluntary for the technology listed? | Supporting financial schemes? Are there any supporting financial schemes? | Necessity for financial support Is it mandatory to be certified to qualify for the financial incentive? | EQF What level of education according to European Qualifications Framework is the scheme equivalent to? [?] | Plumber Is the supporting qualification as a plumber required? | Electrician Is the supporting qualification as an electrician required? | Parts Is a specializiation in the companents required as a supporting qualification? | Other Other requirement details | Supporting Financial Schemes |
Air Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L8 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Biomass | ... 1KW | Mandatory | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Ground Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L7 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Hydro | ... 1KW | Mandatory | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Micro Combined | ... 1KW | Mandatory | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Shallow Geothermal | ... 1KW | Mandatory | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | |||||||
Solar Photovoltaic | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L4 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Solar Thermal | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L5 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Water Heat Pump | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L9 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. | ||||||
Wind | ... 1KW | Mandatory | EQF L6 | All work shall be performed under supervision of certified construction specialists who bear full responsibility to develop and carry out a project with all meaningful expertise. |
Legislation, subsidies and standards | |
Costs/Benefit analysis (eg. payback period) | |
Design (appropriate design of system dependent in relation to targeted heating system) | |
Installation (actual installation process) | |
Commissioning (ensure effective commissioning of system for optimal performance) | |
Monitoring (operational or performance monitoring) | |
Maintenance (understanding of maintenance and warranty based issues) | |
Other | Electric safety, safe working environment. |
Average training cost | |
Ongoing Costs in order to be Certified/Qualified | Yes
In order to become certified, the installer needs to pay 150€ (CMR No.610, Sec.50 para.1) for examination and issuing of certificate and 44,50€ - 49,00€ annually (CMR No.176, CMR No.180 and CMR No.181, as of 2015) for each specialty. |
What is the anticipated duration of training for full certification/ qualification? | less than 3 months |
Theory | Not Required |
Practical | Not Required |
Workplace Learning | Mandatory |
Examination | Mandatory |
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) | Mandatory |
Ongoing Quality Control | Mandatory |
The Certification is valid for | I don’t know |
Requalification is required | |
Inspections of the installers work are carried out | |
Evaluation of wider standards | |
Frequency | 5-7 years |
A financial penalty could apply | |
Retraining may be required | |
Suspension from the scheme | |
Exclusion from the scheme | |
None |
Damage to the renewable energy system | |
Damage to wider energy infrastructure within end-users’ home | |
Structural or building damage | |
Significant degradation in system performance | |
Poor consumer code of conduct |
There is an established process for mutual recognition | |
Details |
The conformity of education and professional qualification obtained in foreign states with the requirements specified in the Republic of Latvia shall be certified by the certificate of the recognition of professional qualification (hereinafter – qualification recognition certificate), which are issued by the institutions referred to in the law or Cabinet regulations. (According to Law on Recognition, Sec. 43) The Building Specialist Certification Institution (see “a” under “Training and regulation”) shall issue certificates of recognition of professional qualifications in the regulated profession specialities of a civil engineer and construction technician in the appropriate regulated spheres of the accredited fields. (According to Cabinet Regulation No. 886 Regarding the Institutions that Issue Certificates of Recognition in the Regulated Professions for Professional Qualifications Acquired in Foreign States (hereinafter referred to as Regulations No. 886), paras. 23 and 24 ) The Latvian Electroenergy Society’s Certification Bureau shall issue certificates of recognition for professional qualifications in the regulated profession specialities of an electrical engineer, electrical engineering technician and electrical assembler in the appropriate regulated spheres of the accredited fields. (According to Regulations No. 886, para. 30). The front desk in either case shall be the Academic Information Centre (http://www.aic.lv/portal/en) |
Evidence of certification | |
Evidence of formal training | |
Declaration | |
Evidence of quality | |
Other, please detail | copy of passport |
An aptitude test | |
Undergo a period of monitoring | |
Demonstrate continuous professional development | |
Evidence of quality of installations | |
Other needed evidence | The applicant shall cover the expenditure related to the recognition of the professional qualification of the person. The amount of expenditure as of summer 2016 is € 200 per each professional qualification . |
Expected to demonstrate language ability | |
Expected to demonstrate insurance | |
Mutual recognition additional information | yes |
Construction Law available in English: http://vvc.gov.lv/export/sites/default/docs/LRTA/Likumi/Construction_Law.doc
Law on the Regulated Professions and the Recognition of Professional Qualifications available in English: vvc.gov.lv/export/sites/default/docs/LRTA/Likumi/On_the_Regulated_Professions_and_the_Recognition_of_Professional_Qualifications.doc
Regulations regarding competence evaluation of construction specialists and supervision of professional practice (Cabinet of Ministers, 07 . 102014 ., No. 610) available in Latvian only: likumi.lv/ta/id/269494-buvspecialistu-kompetences-novertesanas-un-patstavigas-prakses-uzraudzibas-noteikumi